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Lawyer Assistance Program (LAP)

How does the LAP work?

The LAP 提供免费和保密的临床服务的任何问题,造成痛苦的D.C. Bar members, judges, and current D.C. law students. The problems may be related to work–life balance, career stress, relationships, grief/loss, depression, anxiety, substance use or more.

The services include:

  • 面对面的临床评估,短期咨询,以及转诊资源
  • 与有关的人协商,如雇主、同事或家庭成员
  • Volunteer/peer mentor connection
  • Monitoring

与LAP辅导员交谈或安排入学预约,请致电202-347-3131或发送电子邮件 [email protected]

If I seek help, is it actually confidential?

Absolutely! Confidentiality 尊重隐私是这个项目的基础. 治疗师-客户特权适用于任何心理健康临床医生.

联邦和地方法律禁止披露与项目参与者有关的任何信息, including their identity. 靠谱的滚球平台援助计划不会透露靠谱的滚球平台的任何信息, law students, or judges who seek its assistance to the Bar, to any entity affiliated with the Bar, or to anyone else. 根据规则1,援助计划志愿者(为其他靠谱的滚球平台提供同伴支持的康复靠谱的滚球平台)被视为具有靠谱的滚球平台与委托人之间的保密义务.6(i) of the D.C. Rules of Professional Conduct.

The only exceptions are: (1) to avert a serious, 对您或他人的健康或安全构成迫在眉睫的威胁,以及(2)遵守法律义务,例如虐待儿童和虐待老人. 


The LAP is not affiliated in any way with ODC. LAP是一个机密的、独立于纪律的项目,办公室本身也与ODC分开, BPR, and the courts. 与LAP的所有通信都是完全保密的,不会透露给任何人, agency, 没有参与者明确的书面授权或组织.


The LAP can be a resource to legal employers in many ways. LAP提供管理咨询,并在对靠谱的滚球平台的表现或心理健康有担忧时提供指导和资源. LAP的工作人员还向合法雇主和法学院提供有关鼓励福利的最佳做法的咨询. 

The program also offers free educational presentations to firms, judges, nonprofits, law schools, and other related organizations in the D.C. metropolitan area. 演讲的目的是提高对LAP服务的认识以及心理健康的影响, substance use, and well-being issues have on the legal profession. 课程可以标准化,也可以专门为你的团队设计. 有些课程可能有资格获得继续法律教育(CLE)学分.

我没有酗酒或吸毒问题,我也不抑郁. I’m just stressed. Can the LAP help?

LAP提供与影响健康的任何问题相关的临床服务, and stress in any realm is worth addressing. 希望靠谱的滚球平台在问题变得更严重之前主动寻求帮助. 长期压力会导致严重的身体和精神健康问题. Often talking to a neutral person, 谁能帮助评估问题并确定策略和资源, can make a difference. 

No issue is too small. The earlier someone gets help, the better. No lawyer should feel alone in their struggle. 请不要犹豫,拨打202-347-3131或发送电子邮件至 [email protected].

I am worried about a colleague . . . what can I do?

所有LAP的工作人员都是有执照的心理健康专家,他们会很乐意咨询你应该采取什么行动, if any, are necessary and appropriate. LAP工作人员可以提供有效的技术指导,以沟通您的关注,以及同事可能可用的资源. Call us at 202-347-3131 to discuss.

 Learn how to provide support. Know the warning signs of suicide


The D.C. 上诉法院招生委员会(COA)不要求申请人透露有关心理健康/成瘾问题本身的治疗或咨询的信息. 您的LAP参与将不会报告给COA. 如果你有关于性格和体能方面的问题.C. Bar, please contact us. The ultimate goal of the admissions process is to ensure competence; seeking help for a mental health problem is an argument for competence, not against. 记住,没有什么比你的健康更重要.

请注意,根据法律规定,所有向民政事务处提出的查询都是严格保密的. The LAP will NOT disclose any identifying information, without the student’s written permission, to law schools, the D.C. 酒吧,或任何未经学生明确许可的人.

如果您对您的酒吧申请的性格和健身部分有疑问, please give us a confidential call at 202-347-3131.

What if I am in crisis?

For a medical or psychiatric emergency, dial 9-1-1. 如果你有自杀的想法或担心别人,请拨打9-8-8 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, 为您或您所爱的人提供预防和危机资源, 以及美国专业人士的最佳实践.
